China Huarong’s vice president Xu Yongli said that there was no factual basis for the credit rating downgrades by rating agencies last week and asserted that the company is well prepared to make bond payments. According to Xu, the company has adequate liquidity to pay its debt and has already repaid the principal and interest on both onshore and offshore bonds due in April. The company, which holds a total offshore debt of $22.9bn, has
delayed the release of its 2020 results causing panic among its creditors. The credit rating agencies sounded alarm bells last week when Fitch downgraded the company by three notches to
BBB from A on April 26 followed by Moody’s that downgraded the company to
Baa1 from A3 on April 29. According to Xu Yongli, “The decision on a rating downgrade is too pessimistic and the judgement lacks factual basis.”